Come play video games, hang out and win prizes on 12/7/13 in Columbus Ohio at the free showcase portion of the Ohio Game Dev Expo! The showcase runs between 10 and 8 at the Ohio Union on the OSU campus.
The games are developed in and around Ohio, and you can meet their creators while playing the games. Featuring over 40 exhibitors, including a 3D motion capture demo from YEI Tech, Extra-Life charity, Soulfire Software, and many more downloadable and mobile game developers from professional to indie. Steve Castro will be there showing Ballads of Reemus and other projects. There's also going to be over 180 game developers from Ontario, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana and of course all parts of Ohio. Stay for the after party and mingle with the devs!
There are also still tickets left for the Speaker Series portion of the event, where you can meet and learn from accomplished game dev professionals across the state, including FreshGames and BlueFrogGaming CEO's, all for only $15, which includes snacks and drinks.
i like turtles